[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Syria and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Syria Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week`s roundup to syria@jadaliyya.com by Monday night of every week.]
Inside Syria
Under pressure, Syria’s rebels face al-Nusra quandary Charles Lister reports that, in the last few days--after al-Assad loyal force losed down the opposition’s last remaining route into Aleppo--more than 300,000 people living in opposition-held areas of the city have existed in a state of de facto siege.
US air strike in Syria kills up to 85 civilians `mistaken for Isil fighters` A US air strike killed more than 85 civilians, including children, in Syria on Tuesday after the coalition mistook them for Islamic State fighters.
Syria `Not Interested` in Reclaiming Seat at Arab League Syria refuses to comply with request by Arab League calling for a reaching a consensus between Syria`s government and opposition.
Liwa al-Imam al-Mahdi: A Syrian Hezbollah Formation Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi reports on Liwa al-Imam al-Mahdi which was set up two years ago by Hezbollah and has recruits from all of Syria.
‘Bloody massacres’: Syria appeals to UN after French & US airstrikes ‘kill over 140 civilians’ Syria is demanding the UN take action after it says French warplanes killed more than 120 civilians during airstrikes on Tuesday 19 July near the Turkish-Syrian border.
Nusra Front split from al-Qaeda `imminent,` sources claim Sources tell MEE al-Nusra will change its name and could lose funding in order to `embed more deeply in Syrian insurgency.
Syrian government pounds Aleppo on eve of Geneva meeting President Assad`s forces have intensified attacks on the rebel areas day before meeting between US and Russia on peace talks.
The Boy Beheaded by Zinki Fighters, Abdullah Tayseer, Who Was He? A account of the real identity of the beheaded boy is based on hours of conversations with Aleppo residents who knew the deceased, personally
Regional and International Perspectives
Lives That Don’t Matter: Dehumanizing Refugees Walid el Houri wrties "The so-called ‘refugee crisis’ and the policies that both produced and perpetuated it expose a Western narrative, in which war and violence are normal in some places but not others. According to this logic, those who live in war-torn countries are unfortunate collateral damage, while those who suffer violence in Western countries are the only true victims."
Five Reasons Why Cooperating with Moscow on Syria is a Bad Idea This article discusses the ways in which the Obama administration is poised to enhance cooperation between U.S. and Russian military forces in Syria.
Starvation-inducing sieges: A tactic of war in Syria Tania Ildefonso Ocampos writes that the UN is allowing the Assad regime - and in fewer instances opposition groups - to systematically starve the Syrian people with impunity.
Europe Must Help Syria’s Women Make Peace Hind Kabawat argues that "Europe must actively work on ending the marginalisation of women and ensure that they have an active role in the peace process."
Will Israel create safe zone in southern Syria? According to Syrian opposition figures, Israel is increasingly interested in creating a safe zone in southern Syria, and actions on the ground suggest that such a project may be underway.
Policy and Reports
Sowing Hope and Weeding Out Siege Profiteers In Syria`s besieged areas, civilians are planting their own urban gardens to make up for the lack of humanitarian aid and exorbitant cost of black-market food.
At least 200,000 civilians in dire straits as noose tightens in three Syrian towns – Zeid The UN Human Rights Chief rang the alarm Friday about the increasingly desperate situation of at least 200,000 civilians trapped in three towns in Syria where attacking forces have been making significant headway in recent weeks.
DNC hack rattles U.S. effort to rein in Russia on Syria The allegations that Russia was behind the DNC email intrusion feed mistrust among skeptics of Obama`s attempts to strike a Syria deal.
US loosening engagement rules for civilian areas in Syria: Monitor US-led coalition may be under-reporting civilian deaths by 95 percent, group says, as it warns of a surge in deaths around Manbij.
“Educating Syrian Refugees in Turkey,” by Salih Yasun Salih Yasun discusses the educational opportunities and challenges of Syrian refugee students in Turkey.
Failed Coup in Turkey: Implications for the Syrian Civil War The Institute for the Study of War (ISW) examines the implications of the failed coup in Turkey.
Documentaries, Special Reports, and Other Media
Why Does the Media Ignore ISIS’s Muslim Victims? Zoya Waliany discusses the reasons behind the invisibility of some ISIS’s victims arguing that Western media has largely portrayed ISIS’s regional war as a battle between religious sects.
What Pokemon Go looks like in Syria A Syrian activist group is using Pokemon Go, with the backdrop of war, to highlight the plight of children. Cartoon houses, books in a classroom, and a shield over an explosion in Syria Go cover the "real world."
Syrian refugee detonates bomb as Germany suffers third attack in week Man kills himself and wounds dozen others in Ansbach, Bavaria, days after Munich gun rampage which killed nine people.
Syrian artist`s puzzled figures crushed by centuries of oppression In his latest exhibition, Houmam al-Sayed displays the devastating impact of long-standing oppression in the Middle East
Arabic Links:
«داعش» والصورة الإعلامية عربياً: استلاب الصورة البرتقالية! Kamal Shaheen criticizes the ways in which Arab media cover and represent ISIS-related stories.
الفنّ في زمن الثورة في روجآفاي كردستان As the Syrian regime forces have receded from Syrian Kurdistan, Rojava’s artistic scene has been blooming, with Kurdish artists leading a popular revival of Kurdish folklore and history.
The English version of this article can be found here: Kurdish art, music flourish as regime fades from northeast Syria
الأتراك يحرقون محال السوريين في أنقرة ويعتدون عليهم بالسكاكين Ayman Saleh reports some anti-refugees actions by Turkish citizens against Syrians in Ankara and Konya cities.
قصّص مؤلمة يرويها الناجون من مدينة منبج في شمال سوريا Following the Syrian Democratic Forces` announcement of the battle to restore the city of Manbij, the number of displaced from the IS-controlled areas continues to increase.
The English version of this article can be found here: Syrians displaced from Manbij recount horror
الزعتري بعد الكهرباء: ما زال اللجوء مظلمًا This article reports on Syrian refugees’ perspectives after new power network lights Jordan`s Zaatari camp.
ذبح طفلٍ استباحة لكل البشرية Ammar Daioub condemns the beheading of boy by the Zanki group in Aleppo.
ممارسات طائفية في فرع الأمن السياسي بحمص This report discusses the conditions of detention at the Political Security branch in Homs.
"الواقعية المفرطة" بريشة عبد الرزاق شبلوط A conversation with Syrian artist Abdul Razzak Shaballout about art an Hyperréalisme.
400 ألف مدنيّ في مدينة حلب يعانون من جحيم الحصار The Syrian regime forces have imposed a blockade on the city of Aleppo, where food is becoming scarce.
The English version of this article can be found here: Half a million people in Aleppo stuck inside regime’s siege
الأكراد يصادقون على دستور الفيدراليّة في شمال سوريا The Kurds have declared a federation in northern Syria despite continuing objections by the Syrian opposition, while the Syrian Democratic Forces are about to finish the battle to liberate the city of Manbij.
The English version of this article can be found here: After approving constitution, what`s next for Syria`s Kurds?
معشر الحشاشين السوريين في بيروت: "جوينت" للتأقلم مع غبن المدينة Amani Al-Sheikh discusses the widespread of Hashish among Syrians in Lebanon.